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Soundset Recordings

IMPORTANT: While selling physical CDs on our website is non-exclusive, for Soundset to serve as your digital distributor must be an exclusive agreement. Internet retail stores do not want to receive the same content delivered by multiple companies. If you are the copyright owner of your recording, then you have the authority to make this decision; however, if the copyright for your recording has been assigned to a record label, then the authority belongs exclusively to that that label.
We create files for digital downloading, provide unique codes (ISRCS) so that royalties can be tracked and properly assigned, and provide worldwide digital distribution through Internet retailers such as Apple iTunes, CD Baby, Napster, Rhapsody, eMusic, and others.
To legally sell and distribute compositions that are copyright-protected, it will be necessary to obtain Digital Phonorecord Delivery (DPD) licenses for the right to sell digital downloads on the Internet. These must be obtained in separate transactions for each copyrighted composition (and each track of a multi-movement work). We will process the paperwork for you, debit the required licensing fees for each sale at the time of the sale, and make the required quarterly payments to the licensing agencies. We charge nothing for this service and take no portion of the licensing or processing fee.
If this service interests you, the specific terms are described in our Soundset Master-use License Agreement, which is available anytime upon request.