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Soundset Recordings

The Shattered Mirror
With: Michael Udow, The University of Michigan Percussion En...
The Well-Tempered Koshkin
With: Nikita Koshkin, Frank Koonce, Judicael Perroy
Thomas DeLio: Selected Compositions (1972-2015)
With: Thomas DeLio, Aleck Karis, Steven Schick, John Fonvill...
Thomas DeLio: Selected Compositions (1986-2017)
Thomas DeLio: Selected Compositions (1991-2013)
With: Jacques Linder, Jeffrey Gram, Paul Hoffmann, Paula Chi...
Three Circuitous Paths to the Music of Roger Reynolds
With: Harvey Sollerger, Jesse Levine, June in Buffalo Ensemb...
With: Michael Udow, Various Artists
To the Verge
With: Joan Heller, Thomas Stumpf
Transience: A Musical World of Works for Soprano, Clarinet, and Piano
With: Fred Ormand, Julia Broxholm, Martin Katz
Transmutations and Metamorphoses
With: Michael Udow, Douglas Walter, University of Michigan P...
Urban Cabaret
With: Maria Tegzes, Geoffrey Burleson
Verederos: In Common
With: Payton MacDonald, Jessica Johnson
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