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Soundset Recordings

Linda Dusman: "i need no words"
With: Adam Kent, Airi Yoshioka, E. Michael Richards, Jane Ri...
Electro Acoustic Music V
With: Jean DeMart, Various Artists
Thomas DeLio: Selected Compositions (1986-2017)
New Music Series, Vol. 3
With: Carol Lieberman, Estension Works, Harvey Sollberger, L...
With: Jill Felber, Gloria Cheng, Betty Oberacker
Electro Acoustic Music: Classics
With: Ianniis Xenakis, Harvey Sollberger, Judith Bettina
Roger Reynolds - Personae - The Vanity of Words - Variation
Electro Acoustic Music 1
With: Anssi Kartunnen, E. Michael Richards
A Nostalgic Holiday
With: New Hampshire Gay Men's Chorus (NHGMC), Luc Andre Robe...
Take Five: Celebrating Five Years of Music
New Hampshire Gay Men's Chorus (NHGMC)
Celebrates 10
With: New Hampshire Gay Men's Chorus (NHGMC), Luc Andre Robe...
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