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Soundset Recordings

From the Vault - The Auburn University Marching Band 1969 Season
With: Auburn University Bands, Johnnie Vinson
Auburn University Marching Band 2004-2005
With: Auburn University Bands, Dr. Rick Good
The End of an Era
With: Auburn University Bands, Dr. Rick Good
From the Vault - The Auburn University Marching Band 1972 Season
With: Auburn University Bands, Johnnie Vinson
From the Vault - The Auburn University Marching Band 1970 Season
With: Auburn University Bands, Bill Walls
Carmen, Live 2009
With: Auburn University Bands, Dr. Rick Good
Auburn University Marching Band 1999
With: Auburn University Bands, Dr. Rick Good
From the Vault - The Auburn University Marching Band 1990 Season
With: Auburn University Bands, Johnnie Vinson
From the Vault - The Auburn University Marching Band 1981 Season
With: Auburn University Bands, Johnnie Vinson
Auburn University Marching Band 2011-2012
With: Auburn University Bands, Dr. Corey Spurlin
From the Vault - The Auburn University Marching Band 1980 Season
With: Auburn University Bands, Johnnie Vinson
Paysage Hypothétique
Benoit Albert
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