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Soundset Recordings

Kithara Duo
Kupinski Guitar Duo
Kupiński Guitar Duo
Go Within
With: Don-Paul Kahl, Alessandro Cervino
Global Tapestry
With: Ananta Duo, Cecilia Kang, Ana María Otamendi
Akademie Percussion Ensemble, Vol. 2
With: Akademie Percussion Ensemble, Kang-Ku Lee
With: Golfam Khayam, Slavash Roshan
Concertos: Bassett, Bolcom, Daugherty
With: University of Michigan Symphony Orchestra, Harold Smol...
Legendary Flutist William Kincaid
With: William Kincaid, Vladimir Sokoloff
The Greatest Works Schubert (N)ever Wrote for the Oboe
With: Alex Klein, Craig Sheppard, Caren Pelton
Fantasies and Partitas
Alex Klein
Platero & I: An Andalusian Elegy
With: Frank Koonce, Don Doyle
Platero y yo - Elegia Andaluza
With: Frank Koonce, Nelson Brenes
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