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Soundset Recordings

With: Amy Porter, Tim Carey
Barcarolles and Fantasies
Robert Trent
Beethoven Sonatas Op. 5, No.2, and Op.69 / Variations Op. 66 and WoO 45
With: Pierre Fournier, Jean Fonda
Brahms Concerto Op. 77 / Mozart Concerto KV 216
With: David Oistrach, Orchestra of the Swiss Italian Radio, ...
Dionisio Aguado: Guitar Music
Lorenzo Micheli
Duo Franco-Brésilien joue Coste, Sor, Diabelli, Gragnani
With: Duo Franco-Brésilien, Frederic Bernard, Giacomo Barto...
Duo Franco-Brésilien joue Sor, Carulli, Diabelli
With: Duo Franco-Brésilien, Frederic Bernard, Giacomo Barto...
Ex Tenebris Lux
Valerie Hartzell
With: Todd Oxford, Carla McElhaney
Franz Schubert: The Complete Chamber Works with Guitar
With: Stephen Mattingly, Evren Bilgenoglu, Christopher Diaz,...
Franz Xaver Mozart (1791-1844): The Complete Piano Chamber Music
With: Christopher Harding, Suren Bagrutani, Aaron Berofsky, ...
Italian Virtuosos of the Nineteenth Century
Matteo Mela
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