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Soundset Recordings

Annette Kruisbrink
Women Composers: Guitar Transcriptions
Annette Kruisbrink
Impresiones Argentinas
With: Annette Kruisbrink, Arlette Ruelens
Raga Style
Annette Kruisbrink
Wood Stock (The Anido Guitar Duo)
With: Annette Kruisbrink, Arlette Ruelens
New Boots Old Roots (The Anido Guitar Duo)
With: Annette Kruisbrink, Arlette Ruelens
Favole in Musica
Trio Trobairitz
Time and Again Stories
Trio Trobairitz
13 Ways of Looking at 12 Strings
With: The Duo, Michael Kudirka, Eric Benzant-Feldra
The Spirit of the Plains
With: Bradley Kunda, Laura van Rijn
In the Woods
Bradley Kunda
Landscape: Australian Guitar Duets
With: Brew Guitar Duo, Bradley Kunda, Matt Withers
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