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Soundset Recordings

I Carry Your Heart: Songs for Soprano and Piano
With: Andy Francis, Amy Yekel, Merewyn Weinkauf
I wake in the dark and remember
With: LSU Wind Ensemble, Kimberly Sparr, Damon Talley
Iannis Xenakis
With: Iannis Xenakis, La Jolla Symphony Orchestra, Philip La...
With: Deanna Swoboda, John Ericson, Gail Novak, Ben Ordaz, G...
Igor Lesnik: 20 Years Later
With: Igor Lešnik, Croatian Radio Television Symphony Orche...
With: Nancy Ambrose King, Ann Arbor Camerata, Oriol Sans, Vi...
With: The Ambassador Duo, Clifford Leaman, Derek Parsons
Imaginary Landscape
With: Michael Udow, Various Artists, Timothy McAllister
Imagine, Dream, Wonder
With: One Voice Chorus, Sotto Voce, Allen University Concert...
Impresiones Argentinas
With: Annette Kruisbrink, Arlette Ruelens
Impressions of Spain
Hamish Strathdee
In Memoriam William Albright
With: Douglas Reed, Michael Udow, Sumiko Murashima, Michael ...
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