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Soundset Recordings

J.S. Bach: Works for Pedal Harpsichord and Organ
Anthony Newman
With: Matthew Thompson, Alex Hayashi
Jardin secret: Cyrloud joue Jean Marie Raymond
Joaquin Turina
With: Meadowmount Trio, Jiri Zigmund, Owen Carman, Stephen S...
Johannes Brahms: A German Requiem
With: ASU Symphony Orchestra, Timothy Russell
Johannes Brahms: The Three Violin Sonatas and Sonatensatz
With: Christopher Harding, Stephen Boe
John de Lancie: Philadelphia Orchestra's Former Solo Oboist
With: John de Lancie, London Symphony Orchetsra, Chamber Orc...
John Philip Sousa Sesquicentennial Celebration
With: University of Illinois Bands, James Keene
Joji Yuasa
Joseph Joachim: Two Fantasies Rediscovered
With: Katharina Uhde, Dennis Friesen-Carper, Polish Radio Or...
Journey on a Comet's Tail
With: Paradise Winds, Joseph Kluesener, Patrick Murphy, Stef...
With: Santa Fe Guitar Quartet, Christopher Dorsey, Mariano F...
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